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10 Days To Go, 10 Things To Tell You

Hi guys. With 10 days of cutting left at PN after today, I just thought it would be a good time to keep you in the loop...

LAST DAY - My last day at PN will be Saturday 20th April, not Saturday 27th April as previously 'guesstimated'. The reason is I need Monday 22nd to Friday 26th to prepare the shop for handing back to the landlord.

CANCELLED APPOINTMENTS - Appointments for the week 22nd to 26th April have been cancelled and clients informed individually by SMS. If this affects you and you haven't received a SMS, please call me. Otherwise, it would be really appreciated if affected clients could rebook for another time. It would still be great to see you.

WAXING, SHAVING, AND OTHER MALE GROOMING - it is not possible to book waxing on Nearcut (the booking system used at The End). If you want waxing, please contact me directly on 07771772329 and I'll help you out. While I shall still do beard trims with the hot towel and razor, shaves and other facial services will not be added immediately to my services at The End. However, if you want these, please let me know and I'll try to accommodate you.

BOOKINGS AT THE END - For now, please continue to use Fresha if you wish to book with me. Towards the end of April, I shall migrate all of my appointments to Nearcut. I prefer Fresha, but I want to respect the systems they have in place at The End and help them to provide a seamless service as far as possible. Here is the link for The End.

GAPS TO FILL - There are still a small number of appointments available this week and it is DEAD next week. Please feel free to book in while it's quiet rather than looking last minute and finding it's chocca. As things stand, Fridays and Saturdays are extremely busy!! If you can't see a time that suits you, please let me know and I'll try to help you out. I can see more on Fresha than you can. FURNITURE/EQUIPMENT SALE - Almost everything in the shop will be sold off. If you see anything you like, please let me know. Otherwise, it will go to a charity shop or the tip. A lot of larger items have already been sold.

HAIR PRODUCTS - I am no longer re-ordering hair products. Where I have a large surplus, prices have been reduced to clear the surplus. Otherwise, most products have almost sold out and will be sold at the regular price to help smooth my transition financially. I believe they sell Muk (as opposed to Mr Muk) at The End, and maybe some Reuzel. Products will not be available from me online after this month, so if you need to, order here while you can.

PAYMENTS - I shall no longer be taking payments on Fresha (except for no shows). I shall be using ATOA which requires you to scan a QR code. You will then be taken to your online banking to securely make a bank transfer. As a back up, I have a Sum Up card machine. This is because I am closing my business bank account down.

IT SERVICES - Hey, I had to get it in. If your company or anyone else you know needs managed IT services, please let me know. In case anyone is interested, I shall be working for Fresh Mango Technologies from Monday 29th April.

THANK YOU - Once again, I would like to thank you all for your custom and support over the years. I have mostly enjoyed the ups and downs of the last 10 years, especially my interactions with you guys, and I am sure I will miss that most enjoyable part of my job - trying to provide a great customer journey.

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